
Undocumented in source.

Public Imports

public import jack.c.systemdeps;
Undocumented in source.
public import jack.c.types;
Undocumented in source.
public import jack.c.transport;
Undocumented in source.



int jack_activate(jack_client_t* client)

Tell the Jack server that the program is ready to start processing audio.

int jack_client_close(jack_client_t* client)

Disconnects an external client from a JACK server.

int jack_client_name_size()

@return the maximum number of characters in a JACK client name including the final NULL character. This value is a constant.

deprecated jack_client_t* jack_client_new(const(char)* client_name)


jack_client_t* jack_client_open(const(char)* client_name, jack_options_t options, jack_status_t* status, ...)

Open an external client session with a JACK server. This interface is more complex but more powerful than jack_client_new(). With it, clients may choose which of several servers to connect, and control whether and how to start the server automatically, if it was not already running. There is also an option for JACK to generate a unique client name, when necessary.

jack_native_thread_t jack_client_thread_id(jack_client_t* client)

@return the pthread ID of the thread running the JACK client side real-time code.

int jack_connect(jack_client_t* client, const(char)* source_port, const(char)* destination_port)

Establish a connection between two ports.

float jack_cpu_load(jack_client_t* client)

@return the current CPU load estimated by JACK. This is a running average of the time it takes to execute a full process cycle for all clients as a percentage of the real time available per cycle determined by the buffer size and sample rate.

void jack_cycle_signal(jack_client_t* client, int status)

Signal next clients in the graph.

jack_nframes_t jack_cycle_wait(jack_client_t* client)

Wait until this JACK client should process data.

int jack_deactivate(jack_client_t* client)

Tell the Jack server to remove this @a client from the process graph. Also, disconnect all ports belonging to it, since inactive clients have no port connections.

int jack_disconnect(jack_client_t* client, const(char)* source_port, const(char)* destination_port)

Remove a connection between two ports.

deprecated int jack_engine_takeover_timebase(jack_client_t* )

Old-style interface to become the timebase for the entire JACK subsystem.

jack_nframes_t jack_frame_time(const(jack_client_t)* )

@return the estimated current time in frames. This function is intended for use in other threads (not the process callback). The return value can be compared with the value of jack_last_frame_time to relate time in other threads to JACK time.

jack_nframes_t jack_frames_since_cycle_start(const(jack_client_t)* )

@return the estimated time in frames that has passed since the JACK server began the current process cycle.

jack_time_t jack_frames_to_time(const(jack_client_t)* client, jack_nframes_t )

@return the estimated time in microseconds of the specified frame time

void jack_free(void* ptr)

The free function to be used on memory returned by jack_port_get_connections, jack_port_get_all_connections, jack_get_ports and jack_get_internal_client_name functions. This is MANDATORY on Windows when otherwise all nasty runtime version related crashes can occur. Developers are strongly encouraged to use this function instead of the standard "free" function in new code.

jack_nframes_t jack_get_buffer_size(jack_client_t* )

@return the current maximum size that will ever be passed to the @a process_callback. It should only be used *before* the client has been activated. This size may change, clients that depend on it must register a @a bufsize_callback so they will be notified if it does.

char* jack_get_client_name(jack_client_t* client)

@return pointer to actual client name. This is useful when @ref JackUseExactName is not specified on open and @ref JackNameNotUnique status was returned. In that case, the actual name will differ from the @a client_name requested.

int jack_get_client_pid(const(char)* name)

@return pid of client. If not available, 0 will be returned.

int jack_get_cycle_times(const(jack_client_t)* client, jack_nframes_t* current_frames, jack_time_t* current_usecs, jack_time_t* next_usecs, float* period_usecs)

This function may only be used from the process callback. It provides the internal cycle timing information as used by most of the other time related functions. This allows the caller to map between frame counts and microseconds with full precision (i.e. without rounding frame times to integers), and also provides e.g. the microseconds time of the start of the current cycle directly (it has to be computed otherwise).

const(char)** jack_get_ports(jack_client_t* client, const(char)* port_name_pattern, const(char)* type_name_pattern, c_ulong flags)

@param port_name_pattern A regular expression used to select ports by name. If NULL or of zero length, no selection based on name will be carried out. @param type_name_pattern A regular expression used to select ports by type. If NULL or of zero length, no selection based on type will be carried out. @param flags A value used to select ports by their flags. If zero, no selection based on flags will be carried out.

jack_nframes_t jack_get_sample_rate(jack_client_t* )

@return the sample rate of the jack system, as set by the user when jackd was started.

jack_time_t jack_get_time()

@return return JACK's current system time in microseconds, using the JACK clock source.

void jack_get_version(int* major_ptr, int* minor_ptr, int* micro_ptr, int* proto_ptr)

Call this function to get version of the JACK, in form of several numbers

const(char)* jack_get_version_string()

Call this function to get version of the JACK, in form of a string

deprecated void jack_internal_client_close(const(char)* client_name)

Remove an internal client from a JACK server.

deprecated int jack_internal_client_new(const(char)* client_name, const(char)* load_name, const(char)* load_init)

Load an internal client into the Jack server.

int jack_is_realtime(jack_client_t* client)

@param client pointer to JACK client structure.

jack_nframes_t jack_last_frame_time(const(jack_client_t)* client)

@return the precise time at the start of the current process cycle. This function may only be used from the process callback, and can be used to interpret timestamps generated by jack_frame_time() in other threads with respect to the current process cycle.

void jack_on_info_shutdown(jack_client_t* client, JackInfoShutdownCallback shutdown_callback, void* arg)

@param client pointer to JACK client structure. @param function The jack_info_shutdown function pointer. @param arg The arguments for the jack_info_shutdown function.

void jack_on_shutdown(jack_client_t* client, JackShutdownCallback shutdown_callback, void* arg)

@param client pointer to JACK client structure. @param function The jack_shutdown function pointer. @param arg The arguments for the jack_shutdown function.

jack_port_t* jack_port_by_id(jack_client_t* client, jack_port_id_t port_id)

@return address of the jack_port_t of a @a port_id.

jack_port_t* jack_port_by_name(jack_client_t* client, const(char)* port_name)

@return address of the jack_port_t named @a port_name.

int jack_port_connected(const(jack_port_t)* port)

@return number of connections to or from @a port.

int jack_port_connected_to(const(jack_port_t)* port, const(char)* port_name)

@return TRUE if the locally-owned @a port is @b directly connected to the @a port_name.

int jack_port_disconnect(jack_client_t* client, jack_port_t* port)

Perform the same function as jack_disconnect() using port handles rather than names. This avoids the name lookup inherent in the name-based version.

int jack_port_ensure_monitor(jack_port_t* port, int onoff)

If @ref JackPortCanMonitor is set for a port, this function turns on input monitoring if it was off, and turns it off if only one request has been made to turn it on. Otherwise it does nothing.

int jack_port_flags(const(jack_port_t)* port)

@return the @ref JackPortFlags of the jack_port_t.

int jack_port_get_aliases(const(jack_port_t)* port, const(char*)* aliases)

Get any aliases known for @port.

const(char)** jack_port_get_all_connections(const(jack_client_t)* client, const(jack_port_t)* port)

@return a null-terminated array of full port names to which the @a port is connected. If none, returns NULL.

void* jack_port_get_buffer(jack_port_t* port, jack_nframes_t )

This returns a pointer to the memory area associated with the specified port. For an output port, it will be a memory area that can be written to; for an input port, it will be an area containing the data from the port's connection(s), or zero-filled. if there are multiple inbound connections, the data will be mixed appropriately.

const(char)** jack_port_get_connections(const(jack_port_t)* port)

@return a null-terminated array of full port names to which the @a port is connected. If none, returns NULL.

deprecated jack_nframes_t jack_port_get_latency(jack_port_t* port)

@return the time (in frames) between data being available or delivered at/to a port, and the time at which it arrived at or is delivered to the "other side" of the port. E.g. for a physical audio output port, this is the time between writing to the port and when the signal will leave the connector. For a physical audio input port, this is the time between the sound arriving at the connector and the corresponding frames being readable from the port.

void jack_port_get_latency_range(jack_port_t* port, jack_latency_callback_mode_t mode, jack_latency_range_t* range)

return the latency range defined by @a mode for @a port, in frames.

deprecated jack_nframes_t jack_port_get_total_latency(jack_client_t* client, jack_port_t* port)

The maximum of the sum of the latencies in every connection path that can be drawn between the port and other ports with the @ref JackPortIsTerminal flag set.

int jack_port_is_mine(const(jack_client_t)* client, const(jack_port_t)* port)

@return TRUE if the jack_port_t belongs to the jack_client_t.

int jack_port_monitoring_input(jack_port_t* port)

@return TRUE if input monitoring has been requested for @a port.

const(char)* jack_port_name(const(jack_port_t)* port)

@return the full name of the jack_port_t (including the @a "client_name:" prefix).

int jack_port_name_size()

@return the maximum number of characters in a full JACK port name including the final NULL character. This value is a constant.

jack_port_t* jack_port_register(jack_client_t* client, const(char)* port_name, const(char)* port_type, c_ulong flags, c_ulong buffer_size)

Create a new port for the client. This is an object used for moving data of any type in or out of the client. Ports may be connected in various ways.

int jack_port_request_monitor(jack_port_t* port, int onoff)

If @ref JackPortCanMonitor is set for this @a port, turn input monitoring on or off. Otherwise, do nothing.

int jack_port_request_monitor_by_name(jack_client_t* client, const(char)* port_name, int onoff)

If @ref JackPortCanMonitor is set for this @a port_name, turn input monitoring on or off. Otherwise, do nothing.

int jack_port_set_alias(jack_port_t* port, const(char)* alia)

Set @a alias as an alias for @a port. May be called at any time. If the alias is longer than jack_port_name_size(), it will be truncated.

deprecated void jack_port_set_latency(jack_port_t* port, jack_nframes_t )

The port latency is zero by default. Clients that control physical hardware with non-zero latency should call this to set the latency to its correct value. Note that the value should include any systemic latency present "outside" the physical hardware controlled by the client. For example, for a client controlling a digital audio interface connected to an external digital converter, the latency setting should include both buffering by the audio interface *and* the converter.

void jack_port_set_latency_range(jack_port_t* port, jack_latency_callback_mode_t mode, jack_latency_range_t* range)

set the minimum and maximum latencies defined by @a mode for @a port, in frames.

int jack_port_set_name(jack_port_t* port, const(char)* port_name)

Modify a port's short name. May be called at any time. If the resulting full name (including the @a "client_name:" prefix) is longer than jack_port_name_size(), it will be truncated.

const(char)* jack_port_short_name(const(jack_port_t)* port)

@return the short name of the jack_port_t (not including the @a "client_name:" prefix).

deprecated int jack_port_tie(jack_port_t* src, jack_port_t* dst)

@deprecated This function will be removed from a future version of JACK. Do not use it. There is no replacement. It has turned out to serve essentially no purpose in real-life JACK clients.

const(char)* jack_port_type(const(jack_port_t)* port)

@return the @a port type, at most jack_port_type_size() characters including a final NULL.

size_t jack_port_type_get_buffer_size(jack_client_t* client, const(char)* port_type)

@return the buffersize of a port of type @arg port_type.

jack_port_type_id_t jack_port_type_id(const(jack_port_t)* port)

@return the @a port type id.

int jack_port_type_size()

@return the maximum number of characters in a JACK port type name including the final NULL character. This value is a constant.

int jack_port_unregister(jack_client_t* client, jack_port_t* port)

Remove the port from the client, disconnecting any existing connections.

int jack_port_unset_alias(jack_port_t* port, const(char)* alia)

Remove @a alias as an alias for @a port. May be called at any time.

deprecated int jack_port_untie(jack_port_t* port)

@deprecated This function will be removed from a future version of JACK. Do not use it. There is no replacement. It has turned out to serve essentially no purpose in real-life JACK clients.

int jack_recompute_total_latencies(jack_client_t* client)

Request a complete recomputation of all port latencies. This can be called by a client that has just changed the internal latency of its port using jack_port_set_latency and wants to ensure that all signal pathways in the graph are updated with respect to the values that will be returned by jack_port_get_total_latency. It allows a client to change multiple port latencies without triggering a recompute for each change.

deprecated int jack_recompute_total_latency(jack_client_t* , jack_port_t* port)

Request a complete recomputation of a port's total latency. This can be called by a client that has just changed the internal latency of its port using jack_port_set_latency and wants to ensure that all signal pathways in the graph are updated with respect to the values that will be returned by jack_port_get_total_latency.

int jack_set_buffer_size(jack_client_t* client, jack_nframes_t nframes)

Change the buffer size passed to the @a process_callback.

int jack_set_buffer_size_callback(jack_client_t* client, JackBufferSizeCallback bufsize_callback, void* arg)

Tell JACK to call @a bufsize_callback whenever the size of the the buffer that will be passed to the @a process_callback is about to change. Clients that depend on knowing the buffer size must supply a @a bufsize_callback before activating themselves.

int jack_set_client_registration_callback(jack_client_t* client, JackClientRegistrationCallback registration_callback, void* arg)

Tell the JACK server to call @a client_registration_callback whenever a client is registered or unregistered, passing @a arg as a parameter.

void jack_set_error_function(void function(const(char)*) )

Set the @ref jack_error_callback for error message display. Set it to NULL to restore default_jack_error_callback function.

int jack_set_freewheel(jack_client_t* client, int onoff)

Start/Stop JACK's "freewheel" mode.

int jack_set_freewheel_callback(jack_client_t* client, JackFreewheelCallback freewheel_callback, void* arg)

Tell the Jack server to call @a freewheel_callback whenever we enter or leave "freewheel" mode, passing @a arg as the second argument. The first argument to the callback will be non-zero if JACK is entering freewheel mode, and zero otherwise.

int jack_set_graph_order_callback(jack_client_t* client, JackGraphOrderCallback graph_callback, void* )

Tell the JACK server to call @a graph_callback whenever the processing graph is reordered, passing @a arg as a parameter.

void jack_set_info_function(void function(const(char)*) )

Set the @ref jack_info_callback for info message display. Set it to NULL to restore default_jack_info_callback function.

int jack_set_latency_callback(jack_client_t* client, JackLatencyCallback latency_callback, void* )

Tell the Jack server to call @a latency_callback whenever it is necessary to recompute the latencies for some or all Jack ports.

int jack_set_port_connect_callback(jack_client_t* client, JackPortConnectCallback connect_callback, void* arg)

Tell the JACK server to call @a connect_callback whenever a port is connected or disconnected, passing @a arg as a parameter.

int jack_set_port_registration_callback(jack_client_t* client, JackPortRegistrationCallback registration_callback, void* arg)

Tell the JACK server to call @a registration_callback whenever a port is registered or unregistered, passing @a arg as a parameter.

int jack_set_port_rename_callback(jack_client_t* client, JackPortRenameCallback rename_callback, void* arg)

Tell the JACK server to call @a rename_callback whenever a port is renamed, passing @a arg as a parameter.

int jack_set_process_callback(jack_client_t* client, JackProcessCallback process_callback, void* arg)

Tell the Jack server to call @a process_callback whenever there is work be done, passing @a arg as the second argument.

int jack_set_process_thread(jack_client_t* client, JackThreadCallback thread_callback, void* arg)

* Tell the Jack server to call @a thread_callback in the RT thread. * Typical use are in conjunction with @a jack_cycle_wait and @a jack_cycle_signal functions. * The code in the supplied function must be suitable for real-time * execution. That means that it cannot call functions that might * block for a long time. This includes malloc, free, printf, * pthread_mutex_lock, sleep, wait, poll, select, pthread_join, * pthread_cond_wait, etc, etc. See * http://jackit.sourceforge.net/docs/design/design.html#SECTION00411000000000000000 * for more information. * * NOTE: this function cannot be called while the client is activated * (after jack_activate has been called.) * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a non-zero error code.

int jack_set_sample_rate_callback(jack_client_t* client, JackSampleRateCallback srate_callback, void* arg)

Tell the Jack server to call @a srate_callback whenever the system sample rate changes.

int jack_set_thread_init_callback(jack_client_t* client, JackThreadInitCallback thread_init_callback, void* arg)

Tell JACK to call @a thread_init_callback once just after the creation of the thread in which all other callbacks will be handled.

int jack_set_xrun_callback(jack_client_t* client, JackXRunCallback xrun_callback, void* arg)

Tell the JACK server to call @a xrun_callback whenever there is a xrun, passing @a arg as a parameter.

deprecated jack_nframes_t jack_thread_wait(jack_client_t* client, int status)


jack_nframes_t jack_time_to_frames(const(jack_client_t)* client, jack_time_t )

@return the estimated time in frames for the specified system time.


void function(const(char)* msg) jack_error_callback;

Display JACK error message.

void function(const(char)* msg) jack_info_callback;

Display JACK info message.
