
@param client pointer to JACK client structure. @param function The jack_info_shutdown function pointer. @param arg The arguments for the jack_info_shutdown function.

Register a function (and argument) to be called if and when the JACK server shuts down the client thread. The function must be written as if it were an asynchonrous POSIX signal handler --- use only async-safe functions, and remember that it is executed from another thread. A typical function might set a flag or write to a pipe so that the rest of the application knows that the JACK client thread has shut down.

NOTE: clients do not need to call this. It exists only to help more complex clients understand what is going on. It should be called before jack_client_activate().

NOTE: if a client calls this AND jack_on_info_shutdown(), then the event of a client thread shutdown, the callback passed to this function will not be called, and the one passed to jack_on_info_shutdown() will.

extern (C)
jack_client_t* client
JackInfoShutdownCallback shutdown_callback
void* arg
