
Create a new port for the client. This is an object used for moving data of any type in or out of the client. Ports may be connected in various ways.

Each port has a short name. The port's full name contains the name of the client concatenated with a colon (:) followed by its short name. The jack_port_name_size() is the maximum length of this full name. Exceeding that will cause the port registration to fail and return NULL.

The @a port_name must be unique among all ports owned by this client. If the name is not unique, the registration will fail.

All ports have a type, which may be any non-NULL and non-zero length string, passed as an argument. Some port types are built into the JACK API, currently only JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE.

@param client pointer to JACK client structure. @param port_name non-empty short name for the new port (not including the leading @a "client_name:"). Must be unique. @param port_type port type name. If longer than jack_port_type_size(), only that many characters are significant. @param flags @ref JackPortFlags bit mask. @param buffer_size must be non-zero if this is not a built-in @a port_type. Otherwise, it is ignored.

@return jack_port_t pointer on success, otherwise NULL.

extern (C)
jack_client_t* client
const(char)* port_name
const(char)* port_type
c_ulong flags
c_ulong buffer_size
