< frame offset for the BBT fields
(the given bar, beat, and tick
values actually refer to a time
frame_offset frames before the
start of the cycle), should
be assumed to be 0 if
JackBBTFrameOffset is not
set. If JackBBTFrameOffset is
set and this value is zero, the BBT
time refers to the first frame of this
cycle. If the value is positive,
the BBT time refers to a frame that
many frames before the start of the
< frame offset for the BBT fields (the given bar, beat, and tick values actually refer to a time frame_offset frames before the start of the cycle), should be assumed to be 0 if JackBBTFrameOffset is not set. If JackBBTFrameOffset is set and this value is zero, the BBT time refers to the first frame of this cycle. If the value is positive, the BBT time refers to a frame that many frames before the start of the cycle.