< number of audio frames per video frame. Should be assumed zero if JackAudioVideoRatio is not set. If JackAudioVideoRatio is set and the value is zero, no video data exists within the JACK graph
< current bar
< frame offset for the BBT fields (the given bar, beat, and tick values actually refer to a time frame_offset frames before the start of the cycle), should be assumed to be 0 if JackBBTFrameOffset is not set. If JackBBTFrameOffset is set and this value is zero, the BBT time refers to the first frame of this cycle. If the value is positive, the BBT time refers to a frame that many frames before the start of the cycle.
< current beat-within-bar
< time signature "denominator"
< time signature "numerator"
< frame number, always present
< current frame rate (per second)
< current time in seconds
< next sequential frame_time (unless repositioned)
< current tick-within-beat
< unique ID
< unique ID
< monotonic, free-rolling
< which other fields are valid
< audio frame at which the first video frame in this cycle occurs. Should be assumed to be 0 if JackVideoFrameOffset is not set. If JackVideoFrameOffset is set, but the value is zero, there is no video frame within this cycle.